Category Archives: Pictures

Some Lovely Photos From World Guitars

I popped in to World Guitars in Stonehouse the other day, to have a drool – sorry, I mean, look around – and also to ask if I could show them the SB-1. I’m pleased to say they loved it! … Continue reading

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Travelling With The SB-1

I recently travelled to Hong Kong and, of course, took an SB-1 with me. Here are some pictures of me using it at the airport and on the plane… Continue reading

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The First Five – Coming Along Nicely

The first five production guitars are almost ready, and I’m so pleased with the way they’re coming along. Here’s a couple of pictures of some of them – stained but not yet lacquered. Those one-piece maple caps are going to … Continue reading

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The Finished Guitar

Yay! At long last I have the production prototype! It was actually ready last month, but the bad weather we were having at the time prevented me from getting over to Martin to collect it (my car was under a … Continue reading

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Woodwork Done

Martin sent through some pictures of the finished body and neck. Lovely!

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I went over to Simon’s workshop the other day to collect guitar number two. This is a pre-production prototype I commissioned from him as a way of testing out our envisaged production process using CNC – although the guitars will … Continue reading

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The Original SB-1: Pictures

Here’s a picture of the original SB-1 prototype, which was built back in 1997… Continue reading

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